The Rangers are Outcast warriors, wanderers who left the regimented lives of the craftworlds behind them. Adepts in the arts of stealth warfare, marksmanship, and tracking enemies through harsh terrain, the Rangers aid their brethren as scouts and snipers. Veiled by cameleoline cloaks and gloom field generators, they can hide from their foes even in plain sight as they pick them off one by one from extreme range.This kit builds five Aeldari Rangers, stealthy scouts armed with precise Ranger long rifles, perfect for sniping key targets. Each Ranger has two build options for a variety of poses, including using binoculars and aiming shuriken pistols, while one Ranger can be posed deploying a gloom field or wireweave net. There is a choice of 11 heads for the unit: 3 helmeted, 3 helmeted with hoods up, 3 male heads, and 2 female heads. Also included is a shrine to Kurnous the Hunter, an Aeldari deity honoured by the Rangers.
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